Dissemination Activities

Researchers from Open University of Catalonia, partner of EmpowerDigiTeach project, Dr. Silvia Alcaraz-Domínguez presented a paper co-authored with Prof. Elena Barberà at the 15th International Conference in Education Technology and Computers in Porto, Portugal. The paper titled “Developing educators’ digital competences through microlearning: analysis of training needs in Spain” received “Best Paper Award” at the conference. We congratulate the researchers.

Dr. Silvia Alcaraz-Domínguez, from the Open University of Catalonia, presented the project at the 12th meeting of DiM innovative Centers, on September 28, 2023 in Barcelona.

Prof. Dr. Ercan Akpınar, from Dokuz Eylül University, shared information about Empower Digi Teach Project at the Contact Seminar “Enhancing Digital Competences in Education and Training” on 19/09/2023 – 22/09/2023 in Talinn, Estonia

Prof. Dr. Ercan Akpınar, from Dokuz Eylül University, presented information about Empower Digi Teach Project and need analysis results from Türkiyeat the International Conference on Educational Technology and Online Learning (ICETOL) on 20-23 June 2023, in Ayvalık, Türkiye.

DEÜ team shared information about the Empower Digi Teach project to 100 teachers and academics from different disciplines at the Design Based Pedagogy Conference, at Dokuz Eylül University, Buca Faculty of Education Conference Hall, on 10.03.2023, in İzmir, Türkiye.